If you are reading this page you may be trying to tackle an spot graphic install yourself(You got this!). There are two different approaches we will cover in this article to install a wide range of graphics, from MC numbers, window graphics or any other spot graphic.
First you need to clean your surface well. DO NOT USE WINDEX! Windex has a mild adhesive remover in its formula and it will cause your graphic to fail. Here at Epicenter we use pretty common products to clean the surface. We start with a baby shampoo/water mixture. A few drops of baby shampoo in a spray bottle goes a long way. We follow up with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Please note if your surface is ceramic coated or wax extra steps will be needed.
The install techniques are a DRY INSTALL application. No slip solution required
Option 1- Installing Graphics - "Quick & Dirty"
This install process can be used if you're not worried about precision or things being exactly level or square. After tackling the above cleaning process you're ready to begin. This process works for graphics smaller than 24" wide. It can be tricky if the graphics are larger please use Option 2.

1.) Lay your decal out on a flat surface.
2.) Flip over and fold the backing paper back away from the decal approximately 1-3". Do not cut the backing paper off it will come in handy in step 4/5.
3.) Stick to your surface using a squeegee. If your decal doesn't have transfer tape, use a felt tipped squeegee. If your decal does have transfer tape a hard/rigid squeegee works best and a felt tip is optional.
4.) Your decal should look like step 4.
5.) Grab the backing paper and slowly start pulling the backing paper down and squeegee as you go from left to right. Making sure you overlap your squeegee strokes. Continue to the bottom of the graphic.
6.) You're Finished!
Option 2- Installing Graphics "The Center Hinge"
This install process can be used if you are after precision or have a larger graphic. This is the most common technique used at Epicenter during our own installs. After tackling the above cleaning process you're ready to begin. It is a bit more tedious but the juice is worth the squeeze.

1A.) Rip 2 pieces of tape and either put the tape on the left/right side or top/bottom sides. Align your graphic as you envision. If you're after the graphic being level a laser level can come in handy or you're able to measure off a striaght point off your surface. Simply peeling your masking tape and adjusting as needed to get the positioning you're after. Protip If you're on a metal surface you can use felt bottomed magnets instead of tape!
1B.) Once its level determine if you'd like to squeegee left to right or top to bottom. Taking into consideration the surface you're installing on. If the surface is slightly curved you will want to go WITH the curve. Most often the Left to Right method is used(as shown in our example). You will place 2 new pieces of tape in the center of your graphic. Make sure they're stuck well. Using a few extra pices of tape is OK! If your graphic has transfer tape a hard squeegee is recommended. If your graphic doesn't use a felt tipped rigid to semi rigid squeegee.
2.) Gently fold the graphic over without creasing the decal and pull the backing paper away from the graphic. And cut the backing paper. Pro Tip: See the tape on the left edge of the decal? That is stuck to the front of the decal and we've stuck it to the surface to help hold the decal face while we cut the backing paper.
3.) Hold the left hand edge of the decal slightly away from your surface and squeegee slowly towards the outer left edge of the graphic. Squeegee strokes to go up and down in an overlapping pattern if you're going left to right. (so with your tape). That side is done! Woo!
4.) Remove your tape. Gently fold back the graphic and slightly pull the backing paper away from the decal 1-3" as shown similar to step 5.
5.) Once its gently folded back, again you will hold the decal AND the backing paper slightly away from the surface and slowly with overlapping squeegee strokes apply the graphic. As you squeegee you will slowly remove the backing paper. (it sounds more tricky than it is). The backing paper will help keep the graphic more rigid during this step and give you a hand during the install process.
6.) Squeegee to the edge of the graphic. If. your graphic has transfer tape you may remove once the decal is fully adhered. Pull the transfer tape away and back on itself for best results. SLOWLY! this way you can catch any areas you may have missed while squeegeeing and remedy the problem w/o ripping the graphic by squeegeeing those places down.
7.) All done! Step back and marvel your work.
The key to both process is to have a clean surface, go slow, and overlap your squeegee strokes.
You got this!